[9] SEARCH - Cubert, 08/03/2017 08:49 hrs

Following extensive overnight searches by HM Coastguard and the NPAS police helicopter, the team joined the search for a missing male from the Cubert area. Last seen early afternoon of the previous day, the team were tasked to search inland areas between Cubert and the coast path while Coastguard teams once again covered the shoreline, aided by both RNLI lifeboats from Newquay and also Rescue 924 helicopter.

In typical Cornish mizzle, 15 team members searched extensive areas around Cubert Common throughout the day, joined by a SARDA search dog team later in the afternoon. In total three foot teams were deployed for nine-and-a-half hours, made possible by the kind donation of lunchtime hot food by the Bowgie Inn, to whom we’re extremely grateful. Once these high priority areas were covered and we were losing light, the team stood-down for the night.

Press coverage of the search can be found here.