[26] RESCUE - Ding Dong mine, 25/09/2018 17:20 hrs

For a team that is more often than not busy with search jobs, it’s been great for us to have forged a better working relationship with SWAST (South West Ambulance Service) recently. Our third casualty evacuation of the summer saw team members called to Ding Dong mine, on the moors above Penzance, to assist with a female suffering a painful knee injury. The first team member arrived just after the Cornwall Air Ambulance and by the time further kit and team members had arrived, the female had been given suitable pain relief and was ‘packaged’ for evacuation. The nature of the terrain required the use of the team’s Bell stretcher to carry her safely to the waiting aircraft, which conveyed her to better medical care. This was a great bit of joint-working and it’s always a pleasure to see the other emergency services in action.