Cornwall Search and Rescue Team

Registered Charity no. 1100708

  • 03111
  • ce83
  • cl2012
  • 4
  • 01

Thursday 25th May 2013 at 13:30 hrs


Called to assist police resources searching for a missing 35 year old despondent male. Sadly located by police divers after team located rucksack at flooded quarry.

On Twitter

CornwallSRT A special thanks to our neighbours at DSRT Tavistock who covered a call out for us at Rock over the weekend while...
CornwallSRT The team has just been placed on stand by for a search. At least the weather will be on our side for a change!
CornwallSRT The team were out fundraising this weekend at Trago Mills near Liskeard. Did you see us?